Professionally written material sets the tone for your brand. Let a seasoned national publicist craft the message you want heard.
A website should work well across a variety of devices. Refresh your brand with a new look that customers can use.
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Running a business takes a lot of passion and planning. Let's make a plan togther to help you soar.
Whether working in a rainforest in Costa Rica, fundraising for a non-profit from a rustic field station location or representing clients like rapper Coolio, Cheryl Hughey loves unraveling the stories of those she serves and enhancing the end user experience (UX). With a background in psychology and sociology, she utilizes over a decade of marketing experience to help clients reach their American demographic. Her diverse skill set includes service as a business analyst, music publicist, online product promotions specialist, freelance newspaper journalist, website editor, nationally published magazine writer and business brand builder. Cheryl’s “Music Promotion for Everyone” was featured in the bookstore at Indiana University and was sold on In addition to her books, she has been published in Natural Muscle, Ms. Fitness, Concierge Magazine, West End Word, Sauce, Intermission Magazine and more. A black belt martial artist that chose a simpler and more intelligent lifestyle, Cheryl often finds inspiration in the gardens of her St. Louis County, Missouri home.
After a handful of years as a freelance writer and music publicity maven, Cheryl builds websites for an indie label.
Cheryl begins using her skillset to expand a tech company from St. Louis to the East Coast, while representing select clients.
Cheryl refines her own brand to concentrate on writing and website design.